Life Insurance Lawyer Texas
"Life Insurance Lawyers Serving Texas: The Lassen Law Firm" Navigating life insurance claims in Texas can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with denied benefits or bad faith insurance practices. At The Lassen Law Firm, we are dedicated to helping individuals and families across the Lone Star State secure the payouts they deserve. From Houston to Dallas, Austin to San Antonio, and every corner of Texas, we provide trusted legal expertise and personalized support tailored to your needs.
As nationally recognized life insurance attorneys, we’ve handled cases across all 50 states, including Texas, with a proven track record of success—over $750 million in policies recovered for our clients. At The Lassen Law Firm, we combine unmatched dedication, legal expertise, and relentless advocacy to deliver justice for those we represent.
Denied life insurance claims in Texas often stem from factors like material misrepresentation, where the insured individual has provided false or misleading information on their application, or they may be a result of the contestability period, a crucial timeframe after the policy is issued during which the insurer has the right to investigate and deny claims if fraudulent activity or misrepresentation is discovered. Companies like MetLife, Prudential, and AIG in Texas are well-known for their careful evaluation of claims, especially within this period, making it essential for policyholders to be meticulous about the information they provide in the Lone Star State.
One of the most common reasons for life insurance claims to be denied in Texas is due to pre-existing medical conditions that were not disclosed during the underwriting process. These conditions, which could have influenced the insurer's decision to offer coverage or the premiums charged, may have been omitted or inaccurately represented. In Texas, individuals may not even be aware of their medical history’s potential impact on their coverage, especially if they’ve had past hospitalization or chronic illness that they didn’t fully disclose. This is why the underwriting process and the accuracy of the medical information provided are so essential for both the insured and their beneficiaries in Texas. In addition, certain lifestyle factors, such as engaging in high-risk activities like skydiving or rock climbing, can increase the likelihood of a claim being denied if the policy excludes coverage for such activities. Companies like Lincoln Heritage, Reliance Standard, and Banner Life in Texas may have specific clauses that exclude high-risk activities, making it critical for policyholders to thoroughly review their policy terms.
Another significant factor in life insurance claim denials in Texas can be traced back to policy exclusions. A common example is the suicide exclusion clause, which typically excludes death benefits if the insured person dies by suicide within a specific period, often two years from the policy's start date. Additionally, insurers like Transamerica and USAA in Texas might refuse claims if the cause of death involves a high-risk activity that was not covered under the terms of the policy. In such cases, insurers may invoke foreign country exclusions if the death occurred while the insured was in a country where such activities are prohibited or deemed illegal, further complicating claims for the beneficiaries. As companies such as Symetra and Foresters in Texas often stress, understanding the fine print of policy exclusions is paramount to avoid unpleasant surprises after the policyholder’s death.
Compounding these issues in Texas are scenarios involving non-payment of premiums, which can lead to policy lapse. If a policyholder fails to pay premiums on time, the insurer may provide a grace period, but this is often limited, and failure to pay could result in the termination of coverage. However, some policies, such as those offered by Jackson Life or Mass Mutual in Texas, come with reinstatement provisions, which may allow policyholders to restore their coverage within a set timeframe, provided they meet certain requirements. In situations where a claim is denied due to a policy lapse, beneficiaries in Texas might have the option to appeal the decision or even seek legal clarity through legal brief submissions or legal representation from an insurance attorney. Aetna and State Life, for example, may provide more clarity on the reinstatement process, so policyholders in Texas should take advantage of these provisions to avoid unnecessary claim denials.
Another reason claims may be denied in Texas involves issues with the beneficiary designation. If there are disputes among beneficiaries, it could lead to interpleader lawsuits, where the insurer essentially asks the court to determine who is rightfully entitled to the death benefit. Furthermore, if the beneficiary has not been properly designated or the designation has changed without proper consent, issues of beneficiary irrevocability could arise. This could complicate matters for claimants who believe they are entitled to the benefit but are facing challenges from others named in the policy or through legal complications regarding the rights and obligations of the policyholder. Companies like Hartford Life and Lincoln Financial in Texas are known to provide resources that can help beneficiaries resolve these types of disputes.
Fraudulent claims, or situations where misleading statements have been made either by the policyholder or during the claims process, can also result in denials in Texas. Insurers may use tools like the Medical Information Bureau (MIB) or prescription databases to cross-check information provided during the application and claims processes. If any inconsistencies are found between the information provided by the policyholder and what’s recorded in these databases, the insurer may argue that the claim is fraudulent, leading to a denial. Additionally, death investigations and cause of death inquiries can further delay or deny claims, especially if the circumstances surrounding the death are suspicious or unclear. Companies such as Reliastar and National Western in Texas may prioritize these checks to ensure that claims are legitimate, making it essential for policyholders to provide accurate and consistent information throughout their policy life in Texas.
Claim denials can also result from the way claims are filed in Texas, such as missing evidence submission or failure to meet time limits for filing claims. Beneficiaries should be aware of the time limits for filing claims in Texas as failure to do so within the prescribed period could result in the insurance company’s refusal to process the claim. In these situations, policyholders and their beneficiaries in Texas should know their rights and the proper steps to take to ensure that claims are processed smoothly. Insurance providers like State Farm and Erie in Texas are known to have strict timelines for claim submissions, so beneficiaries should ensure they comply with these requirements.
While term life insurance policies are often straightforward, some policies come with more complex features, such as cash value accumulation or automatic premium loans. These features may provide benefits to the policyholder but can also cause confusion if not understood properly. For example, a cash value policy allows the policyholder to build a cash value over time that can be borrowed against or used in other ways. If this cash value is used to pay premiums, it could result in coverage termination if not managed carefully. Companies such as Prudential and Securian in Texas may offer these types of policies, and it is critical for policyholders to fully understand their options to avoid unintended policy lapses or denials.
In cases where life insurance claims are denied in Texas, beneficiaries do have options. They can often go through an appeal process, where they can submit additional evidence or provide more clarity regarding the cause of death or the circumstances of the policyholder’s condition. Legal representation may be required if the appeal process becomes complicated or if the denial is particularly contentious. In some cases, a claim refiling might be possible, where beneficiaries submit a new claim with additional supporting documentation or corrected information to address the reasons for the initial denial. Companies like Allianz and Farmers in Texas may offer assistance throughout this process to help beneficiaries navigate claim denial challenges.
Questions about life insurance claims in Texas
What do I do if my life insurance claim in Texas was denied?
You need to a top Texas life insurance lawyer to represent you.
What do I do If I was served with a life insurance interpleader lawsuit in Texas?
You don't want to jeopardize your case, so you'll need a top Texas life insurance attorney for representation.
What do I do if I have a life insurance beneficiary dispute in Texas?
Our top Texas life insurance law firm can represent you with respect to your beneficiary dispute.
Why would an accidental death & dismemberment life insurance claim in Texas be denied?
An AD&D life insurance claim is typically denied either because the death was caused by a medical event not an accident, or that there was alcohol involved which is typically an exclusion in the policy.
Can policy lapse be a reason for a denied life insurance claim in Texas?
Yes, but the lapse can be contested by our life insurance attorneys.
Is alleged misrepresentation on a life insurance application a reason for a denied life insurance claim in Texas?
Yes, but our life law firm can dispute the misrepresentation.
Can an alcohol exclusion be a reason for a denied life insurance claim in Texas?
Yes, but there are ways a life insurance lawyer can dispute this.
What do I do about a bad faith ERISA life insurance denial of death benefits in Texas?
As you only have one appeal, best to have our lawyers resolve it.
What should I do about a life insurance contestability period claim denial in Texas?
You should always get legal representation as any denial can be contested.
What do I do if I get a denial letter for my life insurance claim stating it was denied due to Texas state law?
There are many exceptions to denials based on Texas state law.
What are the worst life insurance companies in Texas for paying claims?
These Texas life insurance companies deny many claims: Texas Life Insurance Company in Waco, and Texas Legacy Insurance in Cross Plains.
2025 Texas Denied Life Insurance Claims
- Pacific Life COVID-19 death denial $203,000.00
- School shooting death Texas denied claim $107,000.00
- North American Life sickness exclusion $244,000.00
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment Texas $450,000.00
- Denied SGLI due to beneficiary dispute $403,200.00
- Farmers Life felony exclusion won $122,000.00
- Colonial Life alcohol in deceased $57,000.00
- Texas mass shooting death claim denied $40,000.00
- Legion Life lapse of policy resolved $35,000.00
- Executive Life death proceeds not paid $98,000.00
- Confederation Life sickness exclusion $77,000.00
- Lincoln Benefit 4 month delay benefits $40,000.00
- Amalgamated Life delay of check $129,000.00
- AD&D claim denied due to drugs $54,000.00
- Ethos Life grace period at issue here $17,000.00
- Mutual Security asphyxiation death $51,000.00
- Colorado Bankers Life lapsed policy $26,000.00
- Ameriprise heroin overdose death $40,000.00
- Mutual Benefit failed to send money $18,000.00
- Freedom Life interpleader lawsuit won $109,000.00
- American Chambers Life delayed $70,000.00
- Everyday Life denied life payout $33,000.00
- Legion Life interpleader case won $100,000.00
- First Capital Life daughter contested $28,000.00
- USAA Life accident vs suicide $54,000.00
- Guaranteed Universal denial won $20,000.00
- OPM Life dispute among beneficiaries $62,000.00
- Dearborn Life issue regarding riders $55,000.00
- First Colony wife versus girlfriend won $78,000.00
- PHP Life prescription drugs toxicology $92,000.00
- TIAA CREF health history doctor visit $53,000.00
- AM Income Life misrepresentation on app $29,000.00
- Prosperity Life contestable period issue $60,000.00
- Mutual Savings Life drugs and alcohol $41,000.00
- HDFC Life beneficiary change form issue $50,000.00
- AIG Life policy changed POA $72,000.00
- Midland National alcohol exclusion $262,000.00
- CIGNA three policy exclusions $103,700.00
- Pioneer Security beneficiary change $301,400.00
- Texas denied life insurance claim $3,000,000.00
- Foremost undue influence beneficiary $203,000.00
- HSBC accidental death and dismemberment $412,000.00
- Reliance Standard prescription drug exclusion $214,900.00
- FEGLI appeal successful outcome $131,000.00
- Denied life insurance claim Texas $2,800,000.00
- Standard beneficiary dispute $349,000.00
- Texas bad faith life insurance $931,000.00
- Gerber self-inflicted injury suicide $317,000.00
- Texas divorce and life insurance
- Aviva autoerotic asphyxiation death $309,000.00
- Western Southern medical records $282,000.00
- SGLI ex-spouse versus spouse dispute $400,000.00
- American General interpleader lawsuit $335,000.00
- Texas bad faith life insurance $903,500.00
- Primerica felony exclusion $272,000.00
- AIG autoerotic asphyxiation death $414,000.00
- Principal Life alcohol exclusion $302,000.00