We are happy to announce that we recently resolved an $80,000 denied life insurance claim.
What are some ways prescription drugs could be the basis for a denied life insurance claim?
There are many ways that prescription drugs could be the basis for a denied life insurance claim. Here are 20 potential reasons:
- Non-disclosure: Failing to disclose the use of prescription drugs during the application process can lead to a denied claim.
- Drug abuse: If the policyholder dies due to drug abuse or overdose, the claim may be denied.
- Illegal drug use: If the policyholder is found to be using illegal drugs at the time of death, the claim may be denied.
- Inaccurate information: If the policyholder provided inaccurate information about their prescription drug use during the application process, the claim may be denied.
- Medical history: If the policyholder has a history of medical conditions that require prescription drugs, the insurer may view them as high-risk and deny the claim.
- Pre-existing conditions: If the policyholder has a pre-existing condition that requires prescription drugs, the insurer may deny the claim if they believe the policyholder knew about the condition before applying for the policy.
- Misuse of drugs: If the policyholder misused their prescription drugs, such as taking too much or combining them with other drugs, the claim may be denied.
- Smoking: Smoking while taking prescription drugs can increase the risk of health complications and lead to a denied claim.
- Alcohol use: Drinking alcohol while taking prescription drugs can also increase the risk of health complications and lead to a denied claim.
- Dangerous drug interactions: If the policyholder dies due to dangerous drug interactions, the claim may be denied.
- Failure to follow doctor's orders: If the policyholder failed to follow their doctor's orders regarding their prescription drugs and this led to their death, the claim may be denied.
- Prescription fraud: If the policyholder obtained prescription drugs fraudulently, such as by forging a prescription, the claim may be denied.
- Intentional self-harm: If the policyholder intentionally overdosed on their prescription drugs, the claim may be denied.
- Incorrect dosage: If the policyholder was prescribed the wrong dosage of their prescription drugs and this led to their death, the claim may be denied.
- Medical non-compliance: If the policyholder did not take their prescription drugs as prescribed by their doctor, the claim may be denied.
- Recent changes to medication: If the policyholder recently changed their prescription medication and this led to their death, the claim may be denied.
- Poor health: If the policyholder was in poor health due to their prescription drugs at the time of death, the claim may be denied.
- Overdose on over-the-counter medication: If the policyholder overdosed on over-the-counter medication while taking prescription drugs, the claim may be denied.
- Medical malpractice: If the policyholder's death was caused by medical malpractice related to their prescription drugs, the claim may be denied.
- Prescription drugs as cause of death: If the policyholder's death was directly caused by their prescription drugs, the claim may be denied.
Our top life insurance lawyers in addition to resolving the Hartford Life claim have resolved claims from: AIG Life; Genworth Life; Family Life; Centennial Life; and more.
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