We are happy to announce that we have resolved a $160,000 denied life insurance claim.
How can you fight a denied accidental death life insurance claim due to a high blood alcohol content?
Fighting a denied accidental death life insurance claim due to high blood alcohol content can be challenging, but it's not impossible. First, you need to review the policy to determine if there are any exclusions related to alcohol consumption. You may also want to obtain an independent toxicology report to verify the accuracy of the test results. Additionally, you can hire an attorney who specializes in insurance law to help you build a case and negotiate with the insurance company. It's important to act quickly, as there may be a limited time frame for filing an appeal.
How can a life insurance lawyer fight a high blood alcohol content?
A life insurance lawyer can fight a high blood alcohol content (BAC) by challenging the accuracy of the test results or the legality of the traffic stop. They may argue that the breathalyzer machine was not calibrated or maintained properly, or that the testing procedure was not followed correctly. If successful, these arguments could lead to a reduction or dismissal of the charges.
How can you challenge a denied life insurance claim due to illegal drugs?
Challenging a denied life insurance claim due to illegal drugs can be a complex process. First, you may need to hire a lawyer who specializes in insurance law. They can help you review the denial letter and determine if the insurance company followed proper procedures. If they did not, your lawyer may be able to negotiate with the insurer to overturn the decision. Alternatively, you may need to file a lawsuit against the insurance company. In any case, it's important to provide evidence that you did not use illegal drugs or that any drug use was not a contributing factor to the death of the insured.