Many people buy life insurance policies without too much thought as to what they cover. There are some insurance policies that are extremely pricey, yet only cover the bare minimums, and may not be worth the premiums. There are others that may be more in tune with what you need, such as accidental death and dismemberment policies that help if you work dangerous jobs or work in dangerous areas. For any type of possible situation, there is a possible policy for you.
One such helpful part of life insurance is the supplemental insurance that you can acquire. Not everyone is able to afford the high-rising payments of premiums on the general coverage policies. Instead, these supplemental life insurance help those that are a bit more strapped, and are working through an employer’s group insurance policy, and wish to have a bit more covered than just the bare bones basics. Can an insurance company deny a claim?
What are Supplemental Life Insurance Coverages?
Supplemental Life Insurance Coverages are extra coverages that you can apply for from your employer’s basic package. For many workers, the life insurance coverage that is provided is very basic and generalized, since the payments are almost non-existent. Many of these coverages can help cover outside influenced situations, giving you a wider safety net in case problems arise.
These are generally not offered as they do only cover a certain of possible injury or death, as well as will sometimes come with extra stipulations or higher premium payments being withdrawn from your paycheck. But, it may be good to have if you foresee an accident arising.
Upsides of having Supplemental Life Insurance Coverages
They also help to bolster the original life insurance policy benefits. For instance, the basic coverage of a life insurance policy may only be 1 to 2 times your original salary numbers. This may not be enough of a payout in certain cases. That can be well under what your family may actually need in the case of your untimely demise.
They can help to expand the number of causes that are covered. If your basic insurance policy only covers vehicular accidents, having a supplemental coverage added on may expand that to all accidental deaths, whether or not it is in a vehicle. Each coverage is a bit different, so you must be sure to read in-depth on all of them to be sure of what you aregetting.
What are the downsides of Supplemental Life Insurance Coverages?
Although it may seem all well and good, supplemental life insurance coverages that are added on may be a lot less safety than you think. Reading through specifically what the supplements do is important, as it is needed in cases of filing a claim.
For instance, some of the supplemental coverages benefits may only apply with your current company. This is in regards to porting your supplemental coverages if you end up moving or transferring companies. If these coverages are not portable, you stand to lose out on a coverages that you may still have to pay for. This is not ideal, so it is best to either see if your company allows for premium payments to ensure they are ported, or to just deny them overall.
In the end, it is best to always have life insurance if you have to worry about a family or next of kin. If you have a denied life insurance claim, or life insurance lawyers will get you the full amount of the policy.