Life Insurance Lawyer Fairbanks Alaska

Our Fairbanks Alaska life insurance lawyers are here to help. We serve all states. Free consultation. No fee unless settlement.
What do I do if a relative changed the life insurance beneficiary before the insured died?
If a relative changed the life insurance beneficiary before the insured died and you believe that the change was made improperly, you may be able to contest the change and pursue legal action to recover the death benefit.

First, you should review the policy documents and any related paperwork to determine if there is evidence of fraud, duress, or undue influence in the beneficiary change. If you believe that the change was made improperly, you may need to contact an attorney to explore your legal options.

In general, if the beneficiary change was made by the policyholder while they were competent and without coercion or undue influence, the change is likely to be considered valid. However, if there is evidence that the policyholder was under duress or the change was made as a result of fraud or coercion, the change may be invalidated.

To contest the beneficiary change, you may need to file a legal action, such as a petition for declaratory relief or a lawsuit, to challenge the validity of the change. It is recommended to consult with an attorney who is experienced in handling life insurance beneficiary disputes to determine the best course of action.

Keep in mind that time is of the essence in these cases, as there may be time limits for bringing legal actions. Therefore, it is important to act promptly and seek legal advice as soon as possible.

2023-2024 Fairbanks Alaska Denied Life Insurance Claims Resolved

  • Effortless life insurance beneficiary dispute $106,000.00
  • State Life COVID-19 life claim denied $50,000.00
  • AIG gunshot death dispute $81,600.00
  • Farbanks Alabama denied life insurance claim $4,000.00
  • Guaranteed Universal Life coronavirus denied $65,000.00
  • Integrity Life power of attorney change $39,000.00
  • United Home Life interpleader $35,000.00
  • True Blue cancer death resolved $77,400.00
  • AD&D claim denied in Fairbanks Alaska $54,000.00
  • Citizens Security autoerotic asphyxiation $39,000.00
  • Scotia wrong age on application $89,000.00
  • FEGLI claim denied exclusions $133,000.00
  • Securian Financial misrepresentation application $25,000.00
  • HDFC life insurance claim denied $40,000.00
  • Shelterpoint act of war exclusion $31,000.00
  • TIAA CREF chronic illness denial $52,000.00

Interpleader Lawyer Fairbanks Alaska

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